Learn how to make peace with your body so you can live confidently and do more of what you love!
An 6-week transformational coaching program for women
Welcome to Body Kindness!
Next class starts Thursday, October 5th 4-5:15 pm in Boca Raton, FL
Spring 2023 Grad:
Even though I have been on this path towards self love and body awareness for years, I believe it's a journey that ebbs and flows. Some days are better than others. So after years of comparing myself to others and stories of not enoughness knowing that they can creep up every so often, I just found Body Kindness and Jestine to be the right place at the right time. The bonus was that I love being in community with others who share authentically and can be vulnerable so that we all learn and grow by relating to each other and allowing ourselves to be seen and heard.
Jestine's warmth, professionalism and smile were the perfect invitations for me to show up and participate for myself and the others. I was reminded that I can do this, I am worthy and most importantly that I am not alone. I loved her techniques and tools to bring us in the present moment and to see our progress from beginning to end. The takeaways I received will continue to support me in my daily practices and for my journey in supporting others. This life is meant to be a team effort and I am grateful for Jestine being my teammate! So whether you are struggling with body image or are not 100% loving yourself I highly recommend working with Jestine or joining in on her programs. Sometimes all we need is a reminder and a mindshift, along with some tools and practice. Then everything can change. It all starts with you choosing you.
- Jacqueline B.
no shame, just being real
Raise your hand if you find yourself...
Compulsively body checking in the mirror and obsessing about your ideal body type
Ignoring your hunger cues by going on the latest diet and feeling like a failure when you finally “give in” to your cravings
Feeling guilty or shameful about your body’s appearance
- Scrolling through social media only to find yourself feeling inadequate, anxious and trapped into negative self-talk
- Overexercising to burn calories and to manipulate your body’s appearance
Do these thoughts ever run through your mind?
"If only I could keep the weight off then I'd be..."
"I’m not attractive enough to date"
"I wish I was thinner"
- "Suck it in"
"I hate my cellulite"
"I need to start a diet again"
"Why does my body have to be like this"
"I’d be happier / attractive / lovable if my body was different"
Those thoughts in your head are not true and it's about time you put an end to them..
Many of my clients have felt the same way when we first begin working together.
This negative self-talk needs to stop if you want to be successful in other areas of life (relationships, career, adventure, joy, movement) this is why I created Body Kindness, to support you in reconnecting with your genetic blueprint's beauty and strength.
You can experience joy and confidence getting dressed in the morning, meeting new people, and enjoy satisfying foods without the guilt & shame spiral! I'm here to empower and guide you on this journey!
ENROLL TODAY!Hear from a Spring 2023 Grad:
"I would highly recommend Body kindness coaching with Jestine. She was very helpful in shifting my mindset about negative and critical thoughts about oneself.
Before the group I was struggling in areas of self-confidence and acceptance. After working with Jestine for a few weeks, I started to look forward to our meetings and the positivity I left each session with. I felt empowered after every meeting. I finally understand how to not judge myself as harshly and be ok in my own skin. I’ve learned to help appreciate all the good things about my body does and be grateful for it."
- Karol E
Hey there!
I'm Jestine
Jestine is an anti-diet registered dietitian and nutrition therapist, who loves working with preteens, adolescents, and adults. She specializes in working with clients with eating disorders, and disordered eating. Jestine is also passionate about guiding women on their pregnancy and postpartum journey, teaching them how to ditch the diet mentality and work toward a better relationship with food and their body. Jestine helps her clients cultivate appreciation for their amazing bodies. Her approach to nutrition therapy is multi-faceted; she offers individual counseling sessions, individual cooking sessions, food exposures, college meal preparation, cooking workshops, and supportive nutrition and body image groups. In all her work, she encourages her clients to find balance and live joyfully with food.
Jestine's non-judgmental approach creates a warm and empathetic environment where clients are encouraged to openly discuss their relationship with food and their body. Through exploration and reflection, clients realize that food rules are unnecessary – there are no good or bad foods. With this realization, clients begin a journey toward making food choices that empower them.
The Four Essential Pillars to Live Confidently & Love Your Body

Pillar One: Acceptance
- Arriving at a place where you are comfortable in your body
- Feeling more positive about your body and not engaging in unhealthy/disordered behaviors in an attempt to change the way it looks
- Realizing you have a life and worth outside of your body’s looks

Pillar Two: Appreciation
- Praising your body for what it can do for you rather than what it looks like
- Connecting with body functions such as heart beats, arms hug, pregnancy, joyful movement etc.
- Focusing on strengths rather than perceived flaws
- #attitudeofgratitude

Pillar Three: Respect
- Listening to and taking care of your body by nourishing it with food you enjoy, seeking proper medical care, engaging in mindful joyful movement, resting, and making weekly time for self-care, whatever that looks like to you

Pillar Four: Connectedness
- Feeling accepted by others rather then feeling shame
- Feeling loved, special, valued for authentic qualities rather than on appearance
For the past 8 years Jestine has worked with women to heal their relationship with food and body image...
NOW she is bringing her expertise out of her clinical office to support you to befriend your body through this comprehensive 8-week program. Here is what a past student had to say about working with her:
Bella S.
Before body kindness, I was struggling to understand how to appreciate my body and how to accept it for all that it does for me in my life, leading me to develop eating disorders. I didn’t understand how to process modern media’s constant critique of the body and push to change my natural appearance. I was struggling to make sense of all of the external voices telling me that my body was too big, I was eating too much of this or that, and all of the things I “should” have been doing to “look my best.”
After this program I felt much stronger and more equipped to face the world! I felt like I had developed such positive relationships with such strong group members that inspired me to keep devoting myself to improving my relationship with myself and my food. I felt like I had gained the ability to be present in my life without wasting so much time and energy bringing myself down for my appearance.
How will Body Kindness support me?
Learn to listen and honor your body's signals
→ you can finally learn to trust yourself to make supportive choices with food and exercise
Develop permission to wear what YOU want
→ you can have fun dressing up again and not micro-manage every little thing you see in the mirror for 30 mins before you leave house
Rewrite beliefs about beauty
→ cultivate apprecitation and respect for all your body does for you, like giving you the ability to experience life's beauty
Cultivate a non-judgemental outlook
→ we create so many stories in our head (about ourselves & others) that most of the time aren't true, release these judgements and watch how life brightens up
Did you know?
The function of a fashion magazine is to convince people that something is wrong with them (hair, body, etc.) so they can sell their product (the content of the magazine) to fix it, "fix you"
- Of American elementary school girls who read magazines, 69% say that the pictures influence their concept of the ideal body shape. 47% say the pictures make them want to lose weight. (Martin, 2010).
- 67% of American women wear a size 14 or larger (Refinery29, 2016), yet only 2% of mainstream media images feature plus-size women (Dunn & Christel, 2017).
- Most fashion models are thinner than 98% of American women (Smolak, 1996), and only 5% of women have the body type (tall, genetically thin, broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped, long-legged and usually small-breasted) seen in almost all advertising.

What does it include and what are the time expectations?
When, Where, Whats the investment?
Are my results guaranteed?
What if I have to miss a week?
I'm looking for more support.
I want to do the program but I need a scholarship.
Disclaimer: This is a coaching program and does constitute nor serve as a substitute for behavioral health therapy, medical or nutritional therapy services.
Your body is not the problem.
It's what you think about your body that holds you back from living the life you desire!
So are you ready to break free from body hatred BS and begin living joyfully? What if you never obsessed about your reflection in the mirror? Would that be life changing?!
The Body Kindness 6-week class has limited spots to keep this group an intimate, safe space.
Got questions? Email [email protected]
Do this for YOU <3