Eco-Mindfulness Retreat

At ChoZen Retreat Center, Sebastian, FL
February 29th - March 3rd, 2024
Experience mindfulness in nature, deepen your meditation practice,  cultivate connection with self & others all while experiencing the "wonders of awe".

Led by an expert team of teachers: Patty Shutt PsyD, Lizzie Shutt, Trish Magyari, Jacqueline Burbage


Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world.
Dacher Keltner
Book Your Accommodations

ChoZen is conveniently located near Melbourne and Vero Beach on the Atlantic Coast of Florida. The closest major airport is Orlando. 

Example Day:

  • 7 am Mindfulness Walk (optional)
  • 7:30 am Gentle Yoga (optional)
  • 8:30 am Breakfast
  • 10 am Intention Setting and Teaching
  • 10:30 am Kayaking / Break out groups
  • 12 pm Wellness Services / Personal Time
  • 1 pm Lunch
  • 2 pm Eco-Mindfulness Teaching & Exploring 
  • 3 pm Restorative Time: Forest Bathing, Snack, or Intensive*
  • 4:30 pm Awe-Inspiring Activity / Personal Time 
  • 6:30 Dinner
  • 8 pm Music, Fire Circle, Evening Practice

*Intensives include optional compassion for couples workshop, energy work, massage, and yoga therapy. Some of the individual services require additional fees and advanced booking..*

Take a look around the beautiful ChoZen Retreat in the pictures below!

Why bring mindfulness outdoors?

Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR, is urging us to think of our mindfulness practice and the global challenges holistically. What can it mean to practice mindfulness in these times?

Our practice has to take us beyond what we can do to reduce our impact on our environment and feel peace within ourselves... Considering the Earth and all of humanity as part of our practice can encompass personal and social transformation; community adaptation and resilience; local and world justice; and practical and visionary steps toward mitigating suffering.

This retreat is designed to support you in BE-ing the Change.

Why Cultivate Awe?

It is The Secret Ingredient to a Meaningful Life

Inspired by our Sacred Treehouse book club's summer read, 'AWE: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life,' we're excited to take you on a journey through the '8 Wonders of Awe' at the retreat. By immersing yourself in the transformative power of awe during the retreat, our goal is to ignite a passion for experiencing awe in everyday life. This, in turn, will lead to more wonder, mindfulness, deeper connections, and a profound sense of gratitude in your daily existence.

Benefits of Awe

Dr. Keltner's research found that awe is critical to our well-being — just like joy, contentment‌ and love. His research suggests it has tremendous health benefits that include calming down the nervous system and triggering the release of oxytocin, the “love” hormone that promotes trust and bonding.

Many of us have a critical voice in our head, telling us we’re not smart, beautiful or rich enough. Awe seems to quiet this negative self-talk by deactivating the default mode network, the part of the brain involved in how we perceive ourselves; mindfulness practices have the same effect.

And if you haven't experienced the profound healing energy of  Nature let us just remind you...

Green spaces promote the release of serotonin, your body's natural antidepressant. 

Breathing in clean air, walking with your bare feet, and eating local foods all promote healthy microbes to enter your body and boost your immune system!

We will also be incorporating Nature as a teacher, an inspiration, because She has lots of wisdom to share with us! 

Whether you are looking to relax, reconnect, adventure, or cultivate a sense of purpose in life, this retreat will provide you with an opportunity to do so.


Daily Meditation & Mindful Movement

Immerse yourself in the serenity of daily meditation and yoga sessions led by experienced instructors. Cultivate inner peace and mindfulness as you explore the depths of your practice.

Intensive Breakouts:

You will have the choice to participate in either a group designed to deepen your meditation practice OR cultivate mindfulness and compassion in your relationship.

AWE-Inspiring Group Activities:

Engage in transformative group activities that will leave you with a renewed sense of awe and wonder. These activities are crafted to inspire, uplift, and connect our community.

Delicious Farm-to-Table Meals:

Savor delectable, locally sourced meals that are both nourishing and eco-friendly. Our commitment to sustainability extends to every aspect of the retreat, including our culinary offerings.

Optional Wellness Services:

For an added touch of pampering, you have the opportunity to enjoy spa services on-site, helping you relax and rejuvenate even further. In addition, you can pre-book energy healing sessions and private yoga therapy. 

Pre-Retreat Support Resources:

To support you cultivating awe and mindfulness during the retreat we are putting together pre-retreat practices. This curriculum will help you prepare for the retreat and have some lessons to look back on post-retreat.

Read Our Bios!

The Lodge

Our retreat home is called "The Lodge", a serene haven nestled in the heart of ChoZen's nature retreat center. Immerse yourself in sustainable luxury as you unwind in this thoughtfully designed space. Surrounded by native wildlife and Florida greenery, The Lodge offers a tranquil atmosphere for mindfulness and self-discovery. We have a large indoor and outdoor common area for meditation, yoga, and open for use during down-time. 

ChoZen prioritizes sustainability and regenerative practices to reduce their impact on the local ecosystem, through composting, grey water systems, solar power, growing food and purchasing from local fishermen & farmers. This cozy retreat home is a sanctuary for those seeking a harmonious balance between self-care and getting outdoors! 

Private Room

Shared Room

Reserve Your Private Room
Reserve Your Shared Room

Click on the side arrows to scroll through The Lodge photos below!

Hear from a past retreat attendee: 

Jordan T.

This retreat was an opportunity to engage with others who share my interest in personal growth and the development and maintenance of inner peace. The leaders offered a variety of practices, some familiar and some new, that immersed me in mindfulness, nonjudgement, and care. Without the sacred space of the retreat, I may have spent my weekend otherwise not moving towards the things that really nourish and revitalize me. It was a time to pause and to allow myself to just be while also exploring my inner world. The retreat, the leaders, and the community gave me that permission to do so, and I'm very grateful!

Retreat Registration Closes In

Please book your room ASAP to receive your preferred accommodation style! As of 1/30 we have only one private room left!

Book Today!