Struggling with the relentless search for the "best way" to eat only to feel like you keep FAILING?
Discover how to reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom, finding joy & peace with your food and body. Â
And never, ever diet again.
Welcome to Intuitive Nourishment!
consider this
Raise your hand if you find yourself doing this...
- Spending a lot of time thinking about food and being critical towards your body
- Trying to control what you're eating then feeling out of control with food the very next day
- Trying to eat the way you think you "should" and feeling like a failure when you can't do it
- Following an eating plan only to have any weight loss rebound
- Researching how to "eat healthy" and just feeling confused, overwhelmed, and defeated by the contradicting information
You aren’t broken. You’re also not alone.
In fact, those responses are expected if you've been through any or many of these days...
You ignore or override your body's signals of hunger, appetite, or fullness
You grew up in a household that had rules, rewards, or punishments around food resulting in misleading & inaccurate beliefs
You have learned to reach for food to help you manage emotions, often unaware as it’s happening… “comfort food” anyone?
You use media to influence your perception of health and beauty… resulting in a narrow, false and discriminatory definition
- You were encouraged to lose weight or diet in order to be healthier
We live in a world that idolizes certain body types and criticizes others. If we accept that standard as truth, but live in a body that doesn’t fit the idolized mold, we learn to fight with our bodies. This body fight can lead into a painful cycle of guilt, shame, and comparisonitis.
Does the pursuit of being healthier actually just make you feel more stuck and defeated :( ??
Wow, do I hear you!Â
And this is exactly why I created Intuitive Nourishment to answer these challenges and support you in reconnecting with your body’s innate wisdom. You can find joy and peace with your food and escape diet insanity forever! I'm here to empower and guide you on this journey!Â
Mckayla W
Before working with Christie, I especially struggled with body image, being able to identify my hunger cues, and an overall difficulty in treating food as something that was necessary for my well-being rather than something that could be manipulated to change my physical appearance. However, as I continued to learn with Christie, I discovered a great appreciation for the role food plays in my life, and how it not only serves to nourish me, but also brings me closer to the people I care about. I learned to see food as something more than just “good” or “bad”/ “healthy” or “unhealthy” and further embrace the grayness of it. I now absolutely love being able to explore new restaurants or try new food with friends without the added guilt or fear over what effect the food may have on my body. I am able to eat more mindfully and take the time to savor food with minimal distractions, which has greatly helped in regulating my hunger cues and increasing my appreciation for all types of food.
I wholeheartedly recommend working with Christie if you struggle with a fear of food, body image, or self-comparison. She makes intuitive eating so easy and understandable, and I couldn’t be any more grateful for her continued guidance and impact on my relationship with food.
Take a peak at the program outline bite by bite!

Reject - the diet mentality
- Get clear about how diet culture and the pursuit of weight loss fails us
- Recognize the distorted messages and beliefs that guide your food relationship
- Stop the food fight and begin to give yourself permission to eat
- End restricting and begin identifying and honoring your hunger signals

Reconnect - with your body
- Develop clarity of the factors that help you feel truly satisfied
- Connect with and allow yourself to honor feelings of fullness
- Recognize the ways you use food to deal with emotions and begin to cope with those emotions with kindness

Renew - your daily life
- Embrace the uniqueness of your own body and begin to work with it from a place of respect
- Revamp your whole idea of movement: find ways to be active that are fun and no longer burdensome
- Explore the endless ways that food can support your health, not only for today but for your lifetime
Hey there!
I'm ChristieÂ
I’m not your typical dietitian. In fact, I’m not the dietitian I was when I entered the field years ago. I was armed with nutrition knowledge, a desire to help people and a belief that I could teach people to change. Oops. Â
Knowledge is great. But eating’s a whole lot more complex than getting the “right” food. And health is not defined by being at the “right” weight. Â
Fortunately, my desire to help people allowed me to see that diets and meal plans were not working…the more they tried to control their eating, the worse people felt about themselves and the more damaged their food and body relationships became.
Seeing this quickly moved me to study, embody and embrace the principles of intuitive eating, Health at Every Size®, mindfulness, and self-compassion.
I have specialized along the disordered eating spectrum for over 30 years: from the chronic dieter to the food rule follower to the individual with a clinical eating disorder. In all cases, food thoughts and behaviors rob people of precious time, energy, relationships and aspects of their physical, emotional and mental health.  Â
That's why I take a mindfulness-based, non-diet approach that allows clients to identify, understand and move beyond their eating struggles, as they reconnect with their internal signals of hunger and satiety. I'm passionate about teaching clients to eat intuitively and move joyfully!

How will Intuitive Nourishment support me?
Learn to listen and honor your body's signals
→ you can finally learn to trust yourself to make supportive choices with food
Develop permission to eat food
→ you can truly eat food you enjoy, get what you need, and know when you’re content
Rewrite beliefs about food so that
→ eating is peaceful and no longer associated with guilt and shame
Become non-judgemental of your choices, thoughts and feelings so
→ you can nourish your body with what it needs to thrive
Yes! This program is right for you if:
- You’re done with diets, but don’t know what to do next
- You’re tired of fighting with your body and want to learn to work with it
- You know dieting doesn’t work, but can’t yet unhook from the pull to lose weight and are ready to look at some of the underlying issues that keep you from food & body freedom
- You’re excited about the idea of enjoying food and finding peace with it
- You know about Intuitive Eating, but want some more direction on how to further embody it and its principles
Not right now. This program isn’t supportive for you if:
- You have an active eating disorder
- You’re focused on weight loss and/or want a diet to tell you what to eat
- You aren’t yet ready to prioritize yourself and self care
Diets👏🏼 Don’t👏🏾 Work👏🏿
You’ve heard it said. You’ve experienced it.
But it’s still sooooo darned hard to deal with the enticing pull to start the next diet that promises to finally be ‘the one’!
Don’t take my word for it. Read the research. There’s a lot of it.
- The vast majority of people who embark on weight-loss attempts gain back all the weight that they lost within five years, and up to 2/3 of people gain back even more weight than they lost. (1)
- Numerous studies have found that 95-98 percent or more of dieters end up back at their pre-diet weight within only a couple of years. (2)
- Chronic dieting leads to weight cycling (yo-yo dieting). Weight cycling’s linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, higher mortality, some forms of cancer - independent of body size. (3)

1)Mann, T., Tomiyama, A. J., Westling, E., Lew, A.-M., Samuels, B., & Chatman, J. (2007). Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: Diets are not the answer. American Psychologist, 62(3), 220–233.
2)See e.g. Miller, W. C. (1999). How effective are traditional dietary and exercise interventions for weight loss? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31(8), 1129–34. And Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., Prevost, A. T., & Gulliford, M. C. (2015). Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records. American Journal of Public Health, 105(9), e54.
3) See e.g.Bacon, L.,&aphramor, L.(2011) Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift. Nutrition Journal, 10(1), 9.
What does it include and what are the time expectations?
When and Where?
What if I miss a week?
What's your refund policy?
Disclaimer: This is a coaching program and does constitute nor serve as a substitute for behavioral health therapy, medical or nutritional therapy services.
Bring JOY back into your kitchen! Â
Discover how to reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom, finding joy & peace with your food and body. Â
And never, ever diet again.
Limited spots are available so be sure to join this summer! Â
Got questions? Email [email protected]
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